Europe’s biggest international bank selects bluesource & Transvault for their migration

AXS-One to Veritas Enterprise Vault Email Archive Migration

EV migration for international bank

An international bank with a presence in over 70 countries needed to standardise on a global platform for Archiving and Compliance. bluesource empowered by Transvault migration technology successfully migrated over 4.2 billion email records to Enterprise Vault.

Enterprise Vault
Transvault Migrator
windows in a multi-storey bank building

We pride ourselves on our market leading service, our expert migration specialists and cutting edge technology. That’s why we’ve partnered with Transvault, the best in class technology provider for migrations.

Simon Wardle UK Managing Director Bluesource

The Project Background

The Bank had detailed record management, legal and compliance requirements when it came to the long-term storage of its electronic communications. Veritas Enterprise Discovery Platform met their requirements. The project scope covered all phases, starting from data acquisition through supervision, archiving, e-Discovery and case management/legal review. The solution replaced AXS One and Autonomy in all regional hubs as well as replacing three other local compliance solutions.

The Bank was also aware that its legacy AXS-One system was archiving data into the EMC Centera storage platform, which was out of support.

Read more about what to do when your email archive goes end-of-life.

A decision was taken to standardise on a new future-proof archiving and e-Discovery platform. As part of the technology selection criteria, it was important that the legacy data from AXS-One could be migrated compliantly into the new strategic platform. A number of options were reviewed internally with teams from the Infrastructure, Security, Legal and Regional Compliance business units involved. After this lengthy and rigorous process, the Bank chose the Veritas archiving and eDP platforms.

Given the importance of the legacy AXS-One data to the bank, it was essential that they found a competent supplier. Their role was to deploy the Veritas archiving and e-Discovery platform, and migrate the legacy AXS-One Journaled data into Veritas Enterprise Vault. bluesource, using Transvault migration technology, was chosen to assist with these critical activities.

The Migration Solution

bluesource initially ran a Veritas Enterprise Vault and eDiscovery Platform (eDP) proof of concept. They then went on to design, install, and configure the production environments.

bluesource delivered a managed legacy archive migration service. This involved running a pilot migration which was tested and signed off before moving into the production phase of the migration.

Different regions with various data types were targeted and any known issues were dealt with. This enabled bluesource and Transvault to provide intelligence-led options to the Bank’s project team, helping them make informed decisions

Find out about Transvault’s email archive migration service

The Result

The approach bluesource took, with the assistance of Transvault, resulted in over 4.2 billion email records or 350TB of data being successfully migrated into Veritas Enterprise Vault. Some of the data sources involved in migration were:

  • Exchange Journal and user emails
  • Lotus Notes Journal and user emails
  • Symphony chat messages
  • Lync/OCS data

Why bluesource

The bank chose bluesource as they are a platinum partner for Veritas Enterprise Vault and eDP. They are one of the leading migration partners globally. Working in partnership with the Bank on a fixed cost fixed outcome basis, bluesource provided an end-to-end solution that encompassed the deployment and roll-out of the target platform, training and the BAU handover.

Transvault has unrivaled data migration experience in the banking and finance sector.  Read our latest article on why now is the time to for financial services to embrace the power of the cloud.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can support your project. 


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