At Transvault, we believe that it’s our responsibility to make life better for our people, our customers, partners and suppliers, the local community and our planet. One of our core values is ‘We do the right thing’. This helps us define how we do business and guides our behaviours when looking after our people, customers, partners, suppliers, community and the environment.
Our commitment is to take a proactive approach to our social and environmental responsibilities. This commitment is captured in the following principles:
Our People
To create and maintain an inclusive, open, healthy, collaborative, and innovative working environment.
Our Customers, Partners & Suppliers
To continue to develop technology that empowers the enterprise data experience to drive business agility.
Our Communities
To proactively support local and wider communities and charities, ensuring we have a lasting impact on anyone we help.
Our Environment
To reduce the environmental impact and carbon emissions of the business to Net Zero.
The Grand Appeal
At Transvault, we understand we have a commitment to our local communities and their success. Each year we look to proactively support local and wider communities and charities, ensuring we have a lasting impact on anyone we help.
This year we’re proud to announce our partnership with The Grand Appeal, a charity dedicated to transforming the lives of sick children and their families at Bristol Children’s Hospital.
Why The Grand Appeal?
The Grand Appeal has been a beacon of hope for children facing illness and their families for over three decades. Their unwavering commitment to providing the best possible care, facilities, and support services to patients at Bristol Children’s Hospital has touched countless lives. From funding life-saving medical equipment to creating welcoming and engaging spaces within the hospital, The Grand Appeal’s impact is both tangible and profound.

Our support in action
Donating Books & Household items – In April we officially launched our support for the Grand Appeal at our company onsite day. The team did an amazing job in donating children’s books and household items that will be used in the family homes run by the charity.
Celebrating Earth Day – Also in April we celebrated Earth day with useful info about sustainability shared with the team, and for bit of fun we all wore Green and Blue to our company onsite day, generating £270 in donations for the Grand Appeal.
Volunteering Day – In September the team volunteered at the RSPCA North Somerset Branch, helping the centre prepare for its Sunday Funday. We helped with a range of activities including gardening, painting, pressure washing and general tidying.

Our Environment
We know that we have a responsibility to protect the environment in which we operate. We are committed to improving our environmental performance across our business and try to encourage our business partners and those in the wider community to help support this effort.
Our overarching goal is to reduce our environmental impact and demonstrate our commitment to reaching Net Zero.
To achieve this, we strive to:
Remain as a remote based business – adopting a transport strategy that promotes local transport and car sharing to reduce the impact of team meetings.
Provide information for employees to be involved in good environmental practice.
Continually assess work processes and highlight where we can minimise impacts.
Minimize our waste and procure sustainable products wherever feasible